Journée internationale des droits des femmes 2020

Lecture automatique
Someone New
Helena Deland
Helena Deland's new single 'Someone New' out now. Her debut album 'Someone New' out October 16th. Pre-order now:

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Director: Xavier Bélanger-Dorval


If I could have every thought
As though for the first time
I'd never get sick of
The patterns of my mind
But I am stuck

If things go my way
I’ll stay in this room
Where tonight I want to lay
Kissing someone new
With a familiar face
I can’t replace

Because remembering, no
It hasn’t been enough
It’s like the partial glow
A bright flower gives off
At night
Color imprecise

What if I told you
It’ll all just end the same
And then turned to you
Showed you my game
You’d believe I’m stuck
Until I get ahold of

A stranger to remind me
I don’t contain the world
It is outside, can’t I see?
And in it I’m this lucky girl
And how to play my role
'Til I get too old

By then remembering, oh
It better be enough
I'll be covered head to toe
In the faded flower patterns of
Of nights like these
Of good times passed
I'll be home at last

And I will give
Myself a fucking break

If things go my way
I'll stay in this room
Where again I want to lay
Kissing someone new
Who tells me
Something pretty
So that I too
Can feel like someone New


Ce projet est financé en partie par FACTOR, le gouvernement du Canada et les radiodiffuseurs privés du Canada.

This project is funded in part by FACTOR, the Government of Canada and Canada’s private radio broadcasters.

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