Journée internationale des droits des femmes 2023

Lecture automatique
Slow Train
Video by Alain Chevarier & Alexandre Leblanc

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Come on, sing a song
Become someone
Do I have to get on my knees and beg you?

Don’t you hear it
Your clock ticks
How long will you contemplate like this?
Oh, come on, get a grip

Get off of that slow train
It ain’t taking you nowhere
Quit rowing that leaky boat
You won’t make it through the storm if you stay on board

Disillusion, you’re not the one
Must you really
Cry about it all life long?

Game’s not over
Don’t settle down six feet under
You still belong above ground

I’m telling you to get off of that slow train now
You’re playing hide and seek alone, now
Got to come out on your own now
If you don’t sing that song loud
There will be no use to your voice and your life


Merci à Jean Chevarier et Danielle Audeval

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