Journée internationale des droits des femmes 2023

Lecture automatique
People Pleaser
Gabrielle Shonk

Director: Gerardo Alcaine
Director of photography: Jay Boivin
Gaffer: Thomas Parisé-Cormier
Set photographer: Villedepluie
Edit: Gerardo Alcaine
Colour grading: Daphnée Lefebvre
Production manager: Marie-Clarys Taillon
Production: Arts & Crafts

Guitar: Raphael Laliberte-Desgagne
Bass: Gaspard Eden
Drums: Jesse Mac Cormack

Special thanks to, Joey, Raph, Jesse, Cath, Gabriel, Xavier B, Fets, Studio Makina & studio l’Éloi.

Gabrielle Shonk online:

LYRICS (by Gabrielle Shonk & Peter Shonk Jr.)

If you want something ask me
I can never say no
Something’s wrong with my thinking
I’m so scared you’ll think I’m cold
My friends have been telling me
To be careful with this
After 14 years of therapy
I think I can finally see clear
People pleasing, I’m done!

I’m done people pleasing
It’s never enough
Look where it got me
What good has it done
I’m done people pleasing
It’s been going on forever and I’m tired
Of always going out of my way

I’m done saying sorry
I’ve said it too much
It’s lost all it’s meaning
Through the fake blame I took
I’m done saying sorry
Now if I apologize it’s cause I mean it
And I’ve truly done something wrong

I’m the people pleaser
I always aim to please
Yes I’m the people pleaser
But now I must please me!

I’m done feeling guilty
It’s annoying as fuck
It’s counterproductive
Doesn’t help me show up
I’m done feeling guilty
I’ll never feel bad enough
For people to like me, anyways

I’m done people pleasing
It’s good for no one
I’ll keep being kind
Not at the cost of self-love
I’m done people pleasing
Yes I’m ready to move on without the fear
Of deceiving everyone

I’m the people pleaser
I always aim to please
Yes I’m the people pleaser
But now I must please me!

I’m the people pleaser
I always aim to please
Yes I’m the people pleaser
But now I must please me!

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