Journée internationale des droits des femmes 2023

Lecture automatique
Imaginary Friend
Mirror Mirror
Directed by Lisa Iwanycki
Shot and edited by Mathieu Dumontier
Mirror Mirror is...
Lisa Iwanycki - composer, lead vocals
Morgan Moore - producer, bass, vocals
Robbie Kuster - glass marimba, array mbira, percussion , vocals
Mélanie Bélair - violin, string arrangements, vocals
Adèle Trottier-Rivard - piano, vibraphone, vocals
Adèle Ahmarani - vocals
Béatrice Ahmarani - vocals
Mélanie Frisoli - engineer
Ryan Freeland - mixing engineer
Produced by Morgan Moore

Thank you to @Sunset Hill Music Records, Canada Council of the Arts and Sodec for making this possible.


Well I met a ghost one time
And he became my only friend
We laughed and we cried
Hiding in the cracks
Of fallen phones
In broken glass

My ghost sees right through me
Showing everything
That I have been too afraid to see
When we try to touch
We both understand
That we won’t ever
Hold hands

Truth is all my friends
Are really like ghosts
They disappeared from me
Never to come back
I see them in pictures
With their lives
It feels so close to real
Living in the glass

My ghost has haunted me and taught me
That love is the only thing I can’t see
Only one that I would let spy on me
It will always be part of me, part of me, part of me...

Now I am a ghost
No one sees me waving at them
Like we did way back then
I wish all my friends
Became ghosts with me
And disappeared
At last
Get past
The glass

We’d understand
At Last
We could hold hands
At last

Love is invisible
At least this I know
Secrets are beautiful
Hold hands with a ghost

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