Journée internationale des droits des femmes 2023

Lecture automatique
Fallen Dream
You're so gentle
Not soft at all
I have found words that make your crawl
You call me over
Now you don't want me here anymore
What is happening
Do you feel like you did before

You stop and stare
This look so bold
Your touch is distant
Your body's turned to cold
And you don't see me
You see loose thread
I don't know why
You pull on the end

Fall of a dream
Live and let be
Fall of a dream
Nothing is what it seems for too long
Fall of a dream
Live in reality
Fall of a dream
Nothing is what it seems for too long


Directed by Roxane Loumède
Cinematographer Samuel Trudelle
Editor & Colourist Matthew Sperdakos Clark
Stylist Tishanna Carnevale
MUA Jessica Del Corpo
Set Assistant #1 Sam Chace
Set Assistant #2 Via Boda Banks

Special thanks to Darryl Hawdon for being a huge part in making this video happen.

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