Journée internationale des droits des femmes 2023

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Bike Rides
Chiara Savasta
Consider Bike Rides - the first single of “SUMMERHOOD PART.1” Chiara Savasta's upcoming EP an immersion into Chiara's world. The soundtrack is inspired by her teenage hood, a crucial time in one’s life, according to the artist. Everlasting love, heartbreaks and cinematic scenarios are all essential elements that contribute to the album’s poetry.

“Bike Rides" by Chiara Savasta, out now.

Video Credits //
Directed by Bobby León -
Cinematography by Jonathan Brisebois

Produced by //
Société Holographique de Montréal
Cindy Andrey
Clément Leduc

Assistant camera // Chris Allesi
Key Grip // Nicolas Lesage
Best Boy // Ludovic Anselme Pilon
Assistant production // Matthew Khalili
Color grading // Charles-Étienne Pascal & SHED

Music producer // @nimbustwokay8403
Additional production and sound editing // Clément Leduc & Gabriel Gagnon from HOMY Studio

Actor // Calvin Lpos

Set design, graphic design // Camille Béland (
Stylism : Véronique Truong
Set photographer // Félixe Delavaud

Script consultants // Jasmina Lukanović, Andrea Pena

Huge thanks to //
Sasquatch Gripping
Martin Renaud
Tom Lay
Marc-Olivier GL
Derek Branscombe
Benjamin Granet
Anthony Liscio
Quentin Andrup
MJ Déziel
Juliette Garcia

And a very special one to Marie & Jean-Maurice Leduc for welcoming us into their home so warmly and for the best BBQ dinner.

Follow Chiara Savasta:
Music Online:

Lyrics //

Put me in a movie
I want my picture on your bedroom walls
Back when you were 19teen
You saw me in all the girls that made you fall

That summer made me pretty
I guess that time was stolen after all
Tell me I’m your only
I’ll wait in line forever for your call

I guess it wasn’t forever
I made a mess of my lover
I’m only missing the bike rides
Staying up past midnight
When we drove to the outskirts
Failing to mouth on the right words
I guess it's only nostalgia
That make me want to love you

Hold my waist and help me
Climb to the top of the roof
Kiss me there, call me Chloe
The kids in love
Always end up fooled

Don’t crash the car
Keep touching my thighs
Wind in my hair
I’ll break you up inside

If you drive by
The place where we used to hide
Keep going forward don’t ask me why

I guess it wasn’t forever
I made a mess of my lover
I’m only missing the bike rides
Staying up past midnight
When we drove to the outskirts
Failing to mouth on the right words
I guess it's only nostalgia
That make me want to love you

I guess it wasn’t forever
I made a mess of my lover
I’m only missing the bike rides
Staying up past midnight
When we drove to the outskirts
Failing to mouth on the right words
I guess it's only nostalgia
That make me want to love you

#chiarasavasta #bikerides #summerlove #teenagers #bedroompop

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