Journée internationale des droits des femmes 2023

Lecture automatique
A Little Bit of Loving
Audrée Alexandrine
Videoclip shot in the beautiful island of Sint Maarten by David Le Blanc from DLB Studios!


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Music and lyrics by Audree Alexandrine
Recording, mixing and mastering by Ishmaël Mevs of Palmis Production
Guitar by Feliz de la Cruz
Bass Guitar by László Koós
Keyboards by Keller Posy, Ishmaël Mevs et Audree Alexandrine
Vocal Arrangements by Audree Alexandrine, Ishmaël Mevs, Ian Osbourne and Emanuel David

The river is running,
The fire is burning.
Jah moon is shining,
Still there is something missing,
It’s a little bit of loving.

Perfection will never be,
When you look for love and you don't find any
love is all that matters,
Pure and true, careful who you give it to

The river is running,
And so I’ve been running for so long
The fire is burning,
I’m burning inside for some real good loving
Jah moon is shining,
Let it shine bright on me
Shine, shine, shine, till I find

Oh, oh, oh I’m always searching
Oh oh oh oh you can't force destiny
yet I know, yet I know my time is gonna come

The river is running,
The fire is burning.
Jah moon is shining,
Still there is something missing,
It’s a little bit of loving.

Oh oh oh oh It's a little bit of loving
Oh oh oh oh oh oh Just a little bit of loving
Oh oh oh oh It's a little bit of loving
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Just a little bit of loving
Oh oh oh oh

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