Journée internationale des droits des femmes 2022

Lecture automatique
Helena Deland
Helena Deland's new single 'Swimmer' out now.


Directed and edited by Helena Deland-McCullagh
Shot by Helena Deland-McCullagh and Alexander Walsh

Thanks to Alexander Walsh for traveling with me by helicopter, ferry and foot, and shooting in the cold and the commotion, to Xavier Bélanger-Dorval for the tools and to Sea Oleena for the map.


The sun has hardly warmed the water when it crashes on the sand
You hoped it would be warmer, you say, pulling out your hand
The warmer waters get the more the oceans expand
You told me first and then I didn't really understand

If I could turn back time
I would
And I’d be good
I would always be kind
To you

You say "Look at this, the world still spins and beauty will never go
It was there before and will be there more when there’s no I to behold"
How suitable, you the buoy, you arms like silver fins
Your head afloat the golden glow of waves crashing in

If I could make this last
Take more of this moment
Trade in some of my past
You swim
You in it all, letting it all in

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