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Stones Like Eyes
Alicia Clara
Written and directed by Roxane Loumède
Photography by Malaika Astorga
Edited and VFX by Matthew Sperdakos Clark
Costume design by Tishanna Carnevale

'Stones Like Eyes' from the album 'Outsider/Unusual', out on Hot Tramp Records
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/1IgWK2Mz4BBHvg8ZgHuqSt?si=619401b31eaf4aea
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/gb/album/stones-like-eyes/1540627303?i=1540627307
Bandcamp: https://aliciaclara.bandcamp.com/album/outsider-unusual




Look, I’m already gone
We were meant to stay forever
But we’ve already faded into the void
Look, we already lost

One day we’ll save the good old days
Can’t wait to pave the way
Turn back our tracks with a hack
And jump back to the start

One day we’ll save the old days

Ooh, it’s nobody’s fault
We were not meant to dance after dark
The moonlit pavement threw us off
Ooh, stare into the sky
Deep blue sea of stones like eyes
Staring down our predictable lies

Oh but one day we’ll save the good old days
Can’t wait to pave the way
Turn back our tracks with a hack
And jump back to the start

One day we’ll save the old days

Look, I’m already gone
We were meant to stay forever
But we’ve already faded into the void
Look, we already lost

(Play it from the top again)

One day we’ll save the good old days
Can’t wait to pave the way
Turn back our tracks with a hack
And jump back to the start

One day we’ll save the old days


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