Écoute mon album | Musique en fête

Lecture automatique
Mind Games
Meggie Lennon
Somewhere in the land of uninhibited love and playful sins, Meggie Lennon is both the game and the rule that begs to be broken, crafting her make out songs through spirals of unrepentant escapism.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/meggielennonmusic
Bandcamp: http://meggielennon.bandcamp.com
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/meggielennon

Video produced and directed by Meggie Lennon
Shot by Meggie Lennon and JD Theriault
Edited by Antoine Bordeleau
Colorist: Antoine Bordeleau
VFX: David Larouche
Chanson en cours : -

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* Pop, rock, folk

** Classique, jazz, musique instrumentale, musiques du monde, traditionnel, musique électronique

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