L'ADISQ à l'école

Storm is a song about mental health issues and the fact it’s okay to ask for help if some is needed. Don't stay alone. Talk. Share. Help.
Storm est une chanson qui traite de santé mentale et du fait qu’il n’y a pas de honte à demander de l’aide au besoin. Parlez. Partagez. Aidez.
BUY - LISTEN : http://smarturl.it/SJ_Chrysalis
Filmmaker - writer / Scénario - réalisation: Christian Lalumière
Director of Photography / Directeur photo: Alexandre Lampron
Grip / Chef machiniste: Andre-Claude Boudreau
Gaffer / Électro: Evangelos Desborough
Editor - colorist / Monteur - coloriste: Philippe Fafard
Dancers / Improvisations / Choregraphies: Anne-Flore de Rochambeau, Joannie Deschatelets, Noemie Dufour-Campeau
Hair / Makeup: Ariane Laguë-Barret
Car / Voiture: Al McLean
Executive Producer / Main actress: Sonia Johnson
Thanks / Remerciements: Motel Oscar, SLA Location, Post-Moderne, et toute l’équipe de SLIK TV,
FACTOR, Conseil des arts du Canada, ICI Musique
Storm (Sonia Johnson, Mark Alan Haynes)

I know, it’s time, this night has been a mystery for me
I know you want me to leave my ways
It’s time to think about the plus and the minuses
The wind is cold, I don’t want to be alone

Can you hold my hand in the storm that is coming?
Can you understand that the worst will fade away?

I know, it’s time, for you, to carry your soul in the sun
I know you want me to be happy
It’s time to rest in the beauty of the moment
But the clouds and the wind are strong and I don’t want to be alone again

Can you hold my hand in the storm that is coming?
Can you understand that the worst will fade away?

I know, it’s time, for me, to see the light of a new day
I know you want me to lead the way
It’s time to change the lines and to be at ease
But the storm has peaked, and I’m too weak, to reach you overseas

Can you hold my hand in the storm that is coming?
Can you understand that the worst will fade away?

Sonia Johnson: voice, lyrics, composition
Mark Alan Haynes: electric bass, composition
Stephen Johnston: guitars
David Ryshpan: piano – keyboards
Max Sansalone: drums and percussions
Samuel Blais: alto saxophone
Jean-Nicolas Trottier: trombone
Rémi Cormier: trumpet
Judith Little-Daudelin : voice
Elie Haroun: voice

Producers: Sonia Johnson & Padraig Buttner-Schnirer
Arrangements: Sonia Johnson, Mark Alan Haynes
Recording: Planet Studio, Montreal – April-May 2019
Sound and mixing engineer: Padraig Buttner-Schnirer
Assistant recording engineers: Jacob Lacroix-Cardinal, Jordan Barillaro
Mastering: Guy Hébert, Studio Karisma
Production: Les Productions Sonia Johnson
Editions: Les Productions Sonia Johnson & Malua Music

Multitalented singer songwriter #SoniaJohnson gained recognition with albums such as Le Carré de nos amours (#Juno Winner, Vocal Jazz Album of the Year 2012), Triades - with singers Annie Poulain and Charles Biddle Jr. (ADISQ Nomination 2013 and Junos 2014), Le cœur à l’endroit, her previous solo project co-created with pianist and arranger Marianne Trudel. Graduated from the University of Montreal with a Master's degree in jazz interpretation and composition, she has had successful collaborations as a composer or singer with artists such as Laila Biali, Félix Stüssi & Les Malcommodes, Steven Taetz, Vincent Réhel, Rodrigo Simoes and Orchestre National de Jazz de Montréal.



La prolifique auteure-compositrice-interprète Sonia Johnson s'est fait connaître avec des albums comme Le Carré de nos amours (Lauréat du prix Juno, Album de jazz vocal de l'année 2012), Triades - avec les chanteurs Annie Poulain et Charles Biddle Jr. (Nomination à l'ADISQ 2013 et aux Junos 2014), Le cœur à l'endroit, son précédent projet solo co-imaginé avec la pianiste et arrangeure Marianne Trudel. Diplômée de l’Université de Montréal avec une maîtrise en interprétation et composition en chant jazz, elle cumule des collaborations réussies comme compositrice ou interprète avec des artistes de renom comme Laila Biali, Félix Stüssi et Les Malcommodes, Steven Taetz, Vincent Réhel, Rodrigo Simoes et l'Orchestre national de jazz de Montréal.

David Lavergne: 819 -690-0020

International Publicist : Orange Grove Publicity
Ernesto Cervini ernesto@orangegrovepublicity.com

This project is funded in part by FACTOR, the Government of Canada and Canada’s private radio broadcasters.

Ce projet est financé en partie par FACTOR, le gouvernement du Canada et les radio diffuseurs privés du Canada. #FACTORfunded

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