share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Pinterest Share on email Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal Other albums of Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal L'homme armé 2021-02-12 Musique sacrée en Nouvelle-France: Messes, Motets & Pièces d'orgue 2017-09-22 Orlando di Lasso: Laudate Dominum 2017-03-24 Desmarest: Quatre, Motets & Lorrains 2017-01-06 Le chant de la Jérusalem des terres froides 2017-01-06 Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal 2014-09-09 Terra Tremuit 2014-03-04 Musica Vaticana 2011-09-01 Lasso: Lagrime di San Pietro (Tears of San Pietro) 2010-09-28 Pärt: Stabat Mater, Fratres & Summa 2010-06-22 Puer Natus Est 2010-06-22 Charpentier: Motets for Holy Week & Mass for 4 Choirs 2010-06-22 Gibbons, Ward, Tomkins & Bull: English Anthems 2010-06-22 Roma Triumphans - Polychoral Music In the Churches of the Vatican and Rome By Marenzio, Victoria, Palestrina and Others 2010-06-22 Latin Oratorios (Musique Sacrée) 2006-01-03
Roma Triumphans - Polychoral Music In the Churches of the Vatican and Rome By Marenzio, Victoria, Palestrina and Others 2010-06-22